Reach Out
How Can I Bless Others?Reach Out and Be a Blessing
Join us in our outreach programmes and be a vessel of Christ’s love to those around us. For any enquiries or to sign up for any of the areas below, please email [email protected]
Current Volunteer Opportunities
CMC Community Fridge @ Marine Parade
Dates: Every Saturday
Time: 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Venue: Marine Terrace Breeze RC, Block 20, Marine Terrace, Singapore 440020
In collaboration with Marine Terrace Resident’s Committee, Christ Methodist Church anchors the operations of the community fridge which serves the rental blocks in the area as well as a pre-loved corner where these residents can pick up the items that they require every Saturday.
Click here to register
CMC Tuition Programme
The CMC Tuition Programme seeks to help upper primary and secondary school children from underprivileged families in the community with their academics and to encourage them in their studies. Besides meeting their immediate practical needs, the programme aims to improve their social mobility in the long term, and above all, demonstrate love and inclusion to these families.
Period of Involvement: Once a week, preferably till the end of the academic year (for continuity)
Location: Online (via Zoom) or Christ Methodist Church (for students who require face-to-face tuition
Currently recruiting tutors for the following:
- Primary level (Chinese)
- Secondary level (English, Chinese, Science)
Click here to register
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities
Children & Youth
EduGrow Programme @ Marine Parade
EduGrow is a programme managed by The Hut, in conjunction with Life Community Service Society (LCSS). This programme is targeted at children from lower-resourced families with the aim of building strong educational foundations and bridging supportive relationships so as to increase social mobility outcomes.
Role: Edugrow Mentoring
The Hut works in partnership with Life Community Service Society (LCSS) for its mentoring programme. Each EduGrow child is paired with a mentor to reinforce positive programme learnings and strengthen holistic support.
Period of Involvement
- 1 hour a week, mentoring a child for at least 1 year.
- The Hut (Blk 35 Marine Crescent, Singapore 440035)
Skills/Other Requirements
- Love to work with children
Role: K1-P1 Literacy & Numeracy Volunteer
– Volunteers will each be paired with a child where customised support is provided to bridge the gap in literacy and numeracy. This will help better prepare the child for Primary School.
– Volunteers will be on rotation for storytelling.
– Volunteers will receive training in the Early Learning Programme conducted by Learning Vessels, as well as the KidsREAD programme by the National Library Board.
Period of Involvement
- Every Saturday, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (inclusive of briefing and debriefing).
- The Hut (Blk 35 Marine Crescent, Singapore 440035)
Skills/Other Requirements
- Love to work with children
Role: Homework Support Volunteer
Volunteers can help primary school children with their homework or tutor them in subjects (Math, English & Science)
Period of Involvement
- Every Thursday between 3 to 6pm
- The Hut (Blk 35 Marine Crescent, Singapore 440035)
Skills/Other Requirements
- Love to work with children.
- Able to help primary school children with academic studies
Role: PSLE Prep Volunteer
Volunteers will each be paired with a P6 child, focusing on Math and Science revision.
Period of Involvement
Every Wednesday from 7 to 8.30pm, from April till end September (when PSLE ends)
- The Hut (Blk 35 Marine Crescent, Singapore 440035)
Skills/Other Requirements
- Love to work with children
- Able to help primary school children with academic
CMC Tuition Programme
The CMC Tuition Programme seeks to help upper primary and secondary school children from underprivileged families in the community with their academics and to encourage them in their studies. Besides meeting their immediate practical needs, the programme aims to improve their social mobility in the long term, and above all, demonstrate love and inclusion to these families.
Role: Tutoring
Period of Involvement
- Once a week, preferably till the end of the academic year (for continuity)
- Online (via Zoom) or Christ Methodist Church (for students who require face-to-face tuition)
Skills / Other Requirements
- Able to teach Maths / Science / English / Chinese at the Primary or Secondary level, or Additional Maths / Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Principle of Accounts (POA) etc. at the Upper Secondary level
- Enjoy interacting with children/youths
- Any qualification or experience in teaching special-needs students would be an added advantage
- Currently recruiting tutors for the following:
- Primary level (Chinese)
- Secondary level (English, Chinese, Science)
This is a soccer outreach by CMC youths to be a positive influence to children/youths of the community. Activities include “kickabout” as well as friendly competitions.
Role: Befriending through sports
Period of Involvement
- To be confirmed
- To be confirmed
Skills / Other Requirements
- Able to play soccer
- Enjoy interacting with and being a positive influence to children/youths
CMC Bursary Award
The CMC Bursary Award seeks to bless and encourage the children of needy families within CMC’s neighbourhood. Christ Methodist Church also partners with schools in the neighbourhood to give out the bursary to the needy students.
Period of Involvement
- Ad-hoc, typically in Nov
- Bursary award ceremony is typically held at CMC’s premise
- Where this is not possible, volunteers will personally deliver bursary award cheques to award recipients or cheques will be presented at mini-award ceremonies at locations to be identified
Skills /Other Requirements
- At least 18 years old
- Ability to converse in Malay, Tamil and Chinese dialects will be advantageous
- Cheerful, good listener and keen to interact with students and their families
- Befriending skills will be advantageous but not required
Enrichment Programmes
1. Conduct Holiday Enrichment Programme with Filos Community Services @ Kembangan-Chai Chee
Christ Methodist Church is invited to partner Filos Community Services to conduct Holiday Enrichment Programmes to engage the children and youth in a meaningful and fun way during the school holidays. These programmes are aimed at building resilience in the children and youths from vulnerable backgrounds and to promote good role-modelling, inculcate good values, and build positive experiences for the children and youths.
Period of Involvement
- Ad-hoc, during the school holidays
- In person (at Kembangan-Chai Chee) or virtual, depending on type of activity planned and covid restrictions.
Skills /Other Requirements
- Passionate about working with children and youth
- At least 17 years old
- Possesses qualities of patience, kindness and responsibility
- Mature, independent, reliable and able to facilitate
- Required to attend volunteer briefing & training and to provide character references and sign Confidentiality Consent Form
- Group volunteers only
2. Conduct Monthly talks on special topics with Filos Community Services @ Kembangan-Chai Chee
Filos Community Services is inviting subject matter experts or professionals from Christ Methodist Church to plan and facilitate a virtual talk during its “Sunshine Hour” (under the Green Spot Activity Centre) for children and youths from vulnerable backgrounds. This programme is aimed at helping the children and youths to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the industry or subject matter and be motivated to succeed in life.
Period of Involvement
- Ad-hoc (One-off)
- Last Wednesday of the month, 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm
- Conducted virtually, over Zoom
Skills /Other Requirements
- At least 21 years old
- Confident in hosting a talk for the children
- A subject matter expert or a professional in the related field of sharing
- Mature, independent, reliable
MWS Christalite Methodist Home
MWS Christalite Methodist Home (which is jointly managed by Christ Methodist Church and Methodist Welfare Services) is a home for the destitute and homeless. Volunteers are to provide social, psycho-emotional support to a resident.
Role: Befriending
Period of Involvement
- 1 year (bi-monthly, 5 times a year), Sun 11am-2pm
- MWS Christalite Methodist Home, 51 Marsiling Drive, Singapore 739297
Skills/Other Requirements
- Patient and keen to interact with seniors
- Ability to converse in Chinese dialects, Malay or Tamil will be an advantage
- At least 18 years old (those below 18 years old will need to be accompanied by a parent/relative)
CMC with GoodLife! @ Marine Parade
The programme is conducted at GoodLife! Makan, a community kitchen that offers a place for stay alone seniors to prepare and share their meals with one another. The centre is also a space for conversations, learning and companionship. Christ Methodist Church conducts cooking/baking and art & craft demonstrations at the centre every Monday for the seniors, where seniors can participate in meaningful engagement with the community.
Period of Involvement
- At least twice a year, Mon 1.30 pm – 4.00 pm.
- GoodLife! Makan, 52 Marine Terrace, Singapore 440052
Role: Befriending
Skills/Other Requirements
- Keen to interact with seniors
Role: Art & Craft Demonstration
Skills/Other Requirements
- Keen to interact with seniors
- Able to demonstrate how to create an art/craft item and to work with coordinator to get the art/craft material within the budget
- If support is required, the art/craft can be taught to the volunteer team beforehand so that the team can support in sharing with the seniors
Role: Cooking Demonstration
Skills/Other Requirements
- Keen to interact with seniors
- Able to demonstrate how to cook/ bake an item and work with coordinator to get the ingredients within the budget
- If support is required, e.g. different ingredients to be prepared, this can be shared with the volunteer team beforehand
CMC with Filos Community Services @ Kembangan-Chai Chee
Christ Methodist Church is invited to partner Filos Community Services to befriend and assist isolated elderly members in the Kembangan-Chai Chee area and to encourage them to attend holistic social wellness programmes at the Filos Active Ageing Centre (when covid situation improves). Volunteers are required to make at least one phone call per week to each senior. When covid restrictions ease, it may move into hybrid mode which includes house visits. Volunteers are to provide relevant updates on the elderly’s progress through monthly reports to Filos staff. Another group of volunteers are required to engage the seniors through art & craft and various activities at the Active Ageing Centre.
Role: Befriending
Period of Involvement
- At least 6 months, on a weekly basis
- Currently on tele-befriending. It may move to a hybrid mode which includes house visits at Kembangan-Chai Chee
Skills/Other Requirements
- At least 21 years old (volunteers who are at least 17 years old can be considered on a case-by-case basis.)
- Passionate about working with the elderly to promote active ageing
- Positive, patient and willing to offer a listening ear
- Able to travel to beneficiary’s home in Kembangan-Chai Chee and complete simple reports
- Ability to converse in Mandarin/dialects or Malay/Tamil would be an advantage
- Befriending skills and experience is NOT required but would be an advantage
Role: Befriending through Art & Craft/other activities
Period of Involvement
- 1st and/or 3rd Friday of the month, 10.00am – 11.00am
- Filos Active Ageing Centre, Block 55 Chai Chee Drive, Singapore 460055
Skills/Other Requirements
- At least 18 years old (volunteers who are at least 17 years old can be considered on a case-by-case basis)
- Responsible, friendly and patient with a passion to care for the elderly
- Language proficiency: English. Ability to converse in Mandarin, Malay or dialect would be an advantage
- Good team player
- Able to demonstrate how to create an art/craft item and to work with coordinator to get the art/craft material within the budget would be an advantage.
CMC with Assisi Hospice
Assisi Hospice provides home, inpatient and day palliative care. Christ Methodist Church is invited to partner Assisi Hospice to befriend and bring cheer to the patients at the Assisi Daycare Centre, including making and serving beverages to the patients.
Period of Involvement
- 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month, 1.30 pm – 4.00 pm
- Commitment of 1 year
- Assisi Hospice Daycare Centre, 832 Thomson Road, Singapore 574627
Role: Befriending
Skills/Other Requirements
- Cheerful, able to offer a listening ear and interact with the patients.
Role: Brewing/Serving beverages
Skills/Other Requirements
- Able to make and serve beverages, e.g. traditional tea and coffee, milo, to the patients. (Hands-on training will be provided.)
CMC Financial Assistance Programme
Christ Methodist Church has a financial assistance programme to help lower income families within the neighbourhood. Volunteers (paired with a buddy) will connect with a family through monthly home visits to deliver a cheque to them and to journey with them.
Role: Befriending
Period of Involvement
- Once a month, for at least 1 year
- Within CMC’s neighbourhood (e.g. Bedok, Marine Parade, Chai Chee)
Skills/Other Requirements
- Positive, patient and willing to journey with the family
CMC Starfish @ Marine Parade
The Starfish Ministry is an avenue for Christ Methodist Church to bless families in need in the Marine Parade area. In this ministry, CMC partners WeCare Community Services @Marine Parade to provide some relief through groceries to vulnerable residents.
Role: Befriending/Grocery Distribution
Visit and deliver groceries to identified low income families. Befriending through Kopi or a simple meal with them.
- Marine Terrace
CMC Community Fridge with RC @ Marine Parade
In collaboration with Marine Terrace Resident’s Committee, Christ Methodist Church anchors the operations of the community fridge which serves the rental blocks in the area as well as a pre-loved corner where these residents can pick up the items that they require every Saturday. Groceries are also delivered to identified households with special needs (such as immobility). In addition to grocery distribution, befrienders who are matched to a family are to make at least one phone call a month to the family (when covid restrictions ease up, it may move into hybrid mode which includes house visits).
Role: Befriending
Period of Involvement
- Once a month, for at least one year
- Marine Parade
Skills/Other Requirements
- Cheerful, keen to interact with the residents
Role: Grocery Distribution
Period of Involvement
- At least one Saturday a year, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
- Can also participate as a CG
- Marine Terrace Breeze RC, Block 20, Marine Terrace, Singapore 440020
Skills /Other Requirements
- Cheerful, keen to interact with the residents
Role: Pre-loved Corner Packing/Manning
Period of Involvement
- At least one Saturday a year, 1.00pm – 4.00pm
- Can also participate as a CG
- Marine Terrace Breeze RC, Block 20, Marine Terrace, Singapore 440020
Skills /Other Requirements
- Cheerful, keen to interact with the residents
Role: Adhoc Events Organiser
Period of Involvement
- Ad-hoc, e.g. during Chinese New Year, Easter, and Christmas season
- Marine Terrace Breeze RC, Block 20, Marine Terrace, Singapore 440020
Skills /Other Requirements
- Able to plan and organise the celebration for the occasion
- Cheerful, keen to interact with the residents
CMC with Kembangan-Chai Chee Social Service Office
Christ Methodist Church is invited to partner Kembangan-Chai Chee Social Service Office to befriend the vulnerable families in Kembangan-Chai Chee supported by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF).
Role: Befriending
Period of Involvement
- Once a month for at least 6 months
- Kembangan-Chai Chee
Skills/Other Requirements
Able to offer a listening ear and interact with the family
CMC Easter & Christmas Connect Events with COSC Friends
The CMC Easter & Christmas Connect events seek to bring together our beneficiaries and to bless them with a time of fellowship, food and fun as well as to connect them with Christ Methodist Church.
Period of Involvement
- Ad-hoc, during Easter and Christmas season
To be confirmed
Skills/Other Requirements
To be confirmed
CMC CNY and Christmas Community Blessing
Christ Methodist Church, in partnership with Filos Community Services, seeks to bless the vulnerable families in the Kembangan Chai Chee area through the distribution of care packs/ festive goodies during the festive seasons.
Period of Involvement
- Ad-hoc, during Chinese New Year and Christmas season
- Kembangan-Chai Chee
Skills/Other Requirements
- Mobile, able to physically distribute the care packs/ festive goodies
- Cheerful, keen to interact with the residents
Christmas Blessing with Prison Fellowship Singapore
The Angel Tree Project is a project organised by Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS) that seeks to reconcile inmates with their families. Our partnership with PFS involves being His ambassador to deliver the reconciliation note/gift from the inmates to their families.
Period of Involvement
- Ad-hoc, typically in Nov/Dec
- Volunteers will be required to attend a briefing and collect the note/gift to be delivered to the inmate’s family
- Depending on the address of the households assigned by PFS.
Skills/Other Requirements
- Mature, emphatic, sensitive to the family
- Not a prison pass holder
- Required to attend volunteer briefing
- Delivery to be done in pairs