Family Life Ministry

Glorifying God as a Christ-centred Family

The Family Life Ministry (FLM) is committed to nurturing, strengthening and empowering families that reflect Christ in the home, in the church and in the community.

It does so by offering a wide range of programs and support groups that target the key family relationships of marriage, parenting as well as provide care for caregivers (those caring for ill, elderly or disabled family members). We believe that as families are nurtured in accordance to God’s values, strengthened in His love and empowered by His Spirit, they will be channels of blessings to the rest of the church and to the community.

Our Programs

Marriage Preparation
An eight-session yearly “Marriage Preparation Course” which includes relationship assessment and mentoring components.

Family & Parenting training
A yearly “Parenting from the Tree of Life” course, and various ad-hoc enrichment workshops for parents and families.

Marriage Enrichment
Marriage mentoring, Alpha marriage & Marriage Encounter weekend.

Counselling Skills & Mental Health Training Courses

Our Support Groups

Fathers Support Group
Mothers Support group
Caregivers Support Group

Visit our Events page for upcoming runs of these programmes and groups. 

Serve with Us

Marriage Mentor
Lay Counsellor
Parents Supporter
Caregiver Supporter
Workshop Facilitator

If you are interested to get involved in any of the areas listed, email