
How Can I Grow In The Faith?

Grow as a Disciple of Christ

Begin your journey or deepen your understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith with these courses.

Upcoming Courses


Start Date: 4 July, Friday
Time: 7.15 – 8pm (Dinner), 8 – 9.45pm (Alpha session)

You’re invited to explore life’s biggest questions with us! Why am I here? Does God exist? What’s my purpose? We’re all on a journey searching for Life, Faith, Hope, God, Love. Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others.

Come join us on 4 July, Friday, for the Introductory Dinner to find out more!

Should you wish to carry on, we will be meeting subsequently every Friday from 11 July to 19 September.

Each evening we will have 🍚 dinner, followed by a 🖥 video series, before 👥 breaking into smaller groups for discussions.



时间:晚上7.15-8点 (晚餐), 晚上8点-9.45 (启发课程)




Date Topic
4 Jul (Fri – Introductory Dinner) Is There More to Life Than This?
11 Jul (Fri) Who is Jesus?
18 Jul (Fri) Why Did Jesus Die?
25 Jul (Fri) How Can I Have Faith
1 Aug (Fri) Why and How Do I Pray?
7 Aug (Thu) Why and How Should I Read the Bible?
15 Aug (Fri) How Does God Guide Us?
23 Aug (Sat – Alpha Weekend) Who Is the Holy Spirit?
What Does The Holy Spirit Do?
How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
29 Aug (Fri) How Can I Resist Evil?
5 Sep (Fri) Why and How Should I Tell Others?
12 Sep (Fri) Does God Heal Today?
19 Sep (Fri) What About the Church?
10 Oct (Fri – Alpha Thanksgiving) How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?

Back to School

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
– 2 Timothy 2:15

Building a proper foundation upon God’s word is of utmost importance to any disciple of Jesus. In Christ Methodist Church, we are committed to equip and empower our members by carefully planning courses that seek to help you dig deeper into God’s word and grow in your spiritual journey.

Ongoing Courses

These courses run throughout the year.


This class aims to draw out practical truths from the Bible and apply them to the daily issues faced in our relationships, family, workplace, community, church etc. We learn about God, our relationships with others and about ourselves. What makes us do what we do? Why are our relationships the way they are? What does God say and how do we do things His way?

Anyone can join ABC-EON.

The sessions are held via Zoom on Saturdays, 4.30pm – 6.00pm, except the last Saturday of the month which will be held in-person from 2.00pm – 3.30pm in church.

For registration, please email [email protected]

Inductive Bible Study (IBS)

We are a community formed to support regular systematic Bible study.

Using resources from Precept Ministries, our curriculum aims to cover the whole counsel of God.

Class details:

All sessions are held weekly via Zoom. In-person meet-ups will be organised by individual groups occasionally for fellowship. There are three options available:

  • Every Tuesday from 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm
  • Alternate Thursdays from 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm
  • Alternate Wednesdays from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm

Commitment Needed

  • 1 hour of daily study for 5 days a week

For further queries, please contact: Mimi Voo at [email protected]

Coming Soon

Stay tuned for the next run of these courses. For any enquiries, please email [email protected]


You’re invited to explore life’s biggest questions with us! Why am I here? Does God exist? What’s my purpose? We’re all on a journey searching for Life, Faith, Hope, God, Love. Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. Each evening we will have dinner, followed by a video series, before breaking into smaller groups for discussions.

Biblical Financial Study

Luke 16:11 (NIV) So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?

True riches is all about knowing God, and the way to know Him is by journeying with Him.

This 11-week Biblical Financial Study course will equip you to journey with Him, through the study of His Biblical Principles for Budgeting, Spending, Savings, Investing, Giving, Working and Finding Contentment. Come! Grow your trust in Him. Deeper, Further and Greater. Learn to understand money from His point of view.

*Prior to each session, preparatory work is compulsory for participants to benefit fully from the Word of God and illumination by the Holy Spirit in their daily devotion.


Get deeper into the Word and be transformed! Classes usually begin in February as the duration of the course runs for almost the whole year. Groups meet weekly for 2.5 hours per session.

There are 4 DISCIPLE classes, with each having a different focus as you progress further.


BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY is a 34-week study covering approximately 70% of the Bible. It shows us who God is, how He has been and continues to be involved with mankind and each of us from the beginning of time in Genesis to Revelation, and what He demands of us. Through the study of Scripture, we aim to be transformed into disciples of Christ.


INTO THE WORD, INTO THE WORLD is a 32-week in-depth study of Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts. Through getting into the Word, we hear and respond to God’s call to live out what we learn from Scripture as we serve Him wherever He has called us.


REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE is a 32-week in-depth study of the Prophets and the Letters of Paul. It focuses on the connection between memory and identity as the people of God.


UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE is a 32-week in-depth study of the Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude and Revelation. This DISCIPLE programme presents the sense of living toward completion – toward the climax of the message and the promise, extravagantly pictured in Revelation.

DISCIPLE 2, 3 and 4 are open only to those who have graduated from DISCIPLE 1.

New Beginning: A Class for New Believers

Now that you are a new believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, what’s next? This course is tailored to help you better understand the decision you have just made and how to start right on this journey you will be taking in your newfound faith. You will also be taught what you need to do to go deeper into this relationship with the Lord and the Church community.